Patient Safety in Today's Healthcare Environment

Identifying and correcting latent conditions leading to error in today’s complex healthcare environment is no easy task. This two-day course leads students to understanding these concepts through practical, reality-based case studies culminating in a simulated disclosure of an adverse event to a patient’s family. The applicability to healthcare of safety management principles derived from other highly complex industries will be covered, as well as certain “need-to-know” topics such as the California “Never-28” Events, the CMS “No-Pay” conditions, and the National Patient Safety Goals. The role of leadership in establishing a safety culture, as well as the legal ramifications of safety reporting and disclose, will be covered. There is also a strong emphasis on the role of communication in mitigating human error within complex environments. Through a variety of classroom exercises, including a case study, videos, and simulation, class participants will develop an understanding of the underlying principles through active problem-solving and role-playing. Students are therefore expected to actively participate in this learning experience.

What You Will Learn:
  • Understand how latent conditions within a complex healthcare environment can lead to an adverse event resulting from human error
  • Know the four elements of a safety management system, understand how they directly apply to healthcare, and be able to give at least one example of each
  • Know the California “Never-28” Events, the CMS “No-Pay” conditions, and the National Patient Safety Goals; be able to give at least one example of each
  • Understand the California Department of Public Health's Patient Safety Licensing Survey and how it affects your organization
  • Understand the difference between a root cause analysis (RCA) and a failure modes and effects criticality analysis (FMECA); know the key elements of an FMECA
  • Understand the role of leadership - especially that of the CEO - in patient safety; know at least two things a senior manager can do to positively affect patient safety within the healthcare organization
  • Know the definition of safety culture and understand the relationship between culture and safety performance
  • Know at least three factors affecting the effectiveness of communication; understand how ineffective communication can lead to error in healthcare settings
  • Understand the basic legal concepts regarding patient safety and adverse event disclosure; know at least two ways in which these principles differ from those of malpractice litigation
  • Understand the role of patient safety efforts within the new healthcare reform legislation; be able to list at least three ways in which patient safety practices will affect the fiscal performance of a healthcare organization

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Published on July 11th, 2017Last updated on November 26th, 2024