From Engineer to Manager

If you are transitioning from technical responsibility to managerial responsibility, this course is your opportunity to learn the skills you’ll need to manage effectively. Your new managerial role will require a new set of skills and knowledge in which engineers and scientists are typically not trained – managerial processes and leadership skills.

One set of skills centers on the best practice managerial processes. Research has shown that the most effective managers use and train their teams in systematic best practice processes. These managers add value by being “process owners.” Understanding this role improves your ability to identify, prioritize, and resolve barriers to your team’s performance, help to solve problems quickly, make critical decisions effectively, and protect your plans to assure implementation of your decisions and recommendations.

A second focus of the course addresses the leadership skills or “core content people skills” in which technical professionals are seldom trained. These leadership and teaming skills include understanding and applying these theories for effective leadership behaviors.

The course is aimed at increasing your awareness and skill level in motivating; using effective management styles and interpersonal and relationship building with your subordinates, peers, and supervisor; teaching/coaching/mentoring; goal setting; delegation; time management; team building; and personal growth.

What You Will Learn:
  • Assessing and developing management style and interpersonal skills
  • Creating an effective work environment
  • Defining the engineering manager's role
  • Developing action plans
  • Identifying problem areas
  • Team management and supervisory skills

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Published on July 11th, 2017Last updated on April 11th, 2023